Collection Runner blue button doesn't react in 7.2.2?

Hi All,

I recently upgraded from Postman 6.7.4 (Windows 7) to 7.2.2 (Windows 10).
When trying to execute my test set with Collection Runner on 7.2.2 it seems that the big blue button “Run AUTOMATED_TESTS” doesn’t react when I click on it :frowning:

  • same test set is working perfectly from Postman 6.7.4
  • each of the request is working when I run them independently (so my certificate setup is ok)

Would one of you have any idea of what I could miss ??
Many thanks in advance !

Hi @pinklolablue,

Welcome to the Postman community! I think it would be a good idea for you to copy this message in a mail to with the attached logs. You can retrieve the logs by following the steps given in the link below:

Thanks @aamir.ahmed !
I sent it and waiting for feedback, once i have some I’ll update here in case of anybody else would face same problem
 403 error somewhere for the moment.