Parse Text Output to Variable

Can someone help me with following response:

“Session Token-> BAMAuthToken: 4HyQcMTU3MjAwMzA5NTkyMzpnZXIwMDAxcF9hcGk ← for User : ger0001p_api”

I need the token stored in a variable TOKEN. (4HyQcMTU3MjAwMzA5NTkyMzpnZXIwMDAxcF9hcGk)

Thanks and best regards,

Hey @ger0001p,

You could give this a go - It’s only going to cover a very basic way of getting and setting that value from the response:

Getting the response body as text using pm.response.text(), splitting the data using the .split() function and then creating an array of those items.

console.log(pm.response.text().split(" "))

The item is 4th in the zero-indexed list so you can reference that using [3] to save that value as an environment variable.

pm.environment.set("TOKEN", pm.response.text().split(" ")[3])


Thank you @danny-dainton. Works perfect! :slight_smile:

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You should really encourage the entity responsible for the API to provide you with a parsable response, like JSON. This is really a nasty hack which can easily break in the future.


Agreed, This solution will not stand the test of time.

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Hi @danny-dainton,

Your given solution is working for me but here I have some more text in the next line before the space which one I don’t want to take in my variable value.

So could you please let me know how can I add 2 split in single function or split text.

Response Body:
Job Id : 70c33082-326f-4276-88ca-04dcc046ef55
Total Number of Records: 2
Total Number of Successful Records: 0
Total Number of Failure Records: 2
Total Number of Blank Records: 0

My Script:
var SearchHelp = pm.response.text().split(" ")[3];

Getting ‘SearchHelp’ Value:

and I need only 70c33082-326f-4276-88ca-04dcc046ef55 value in my SearchHelp variable.

Hey @arpit.agrawal,

It seems like you have a different response to the original question and the different pieces of data are on new lines, something like this might help you:

let splitResponse = pm.response.text().split("\n")

pm.environment.set("SearchHelp", splitResponse[0].split(" ")[3])

It looks hacky and it felt hacky even writing this though :frowning_face:

As @vdespa mentioned:

You should really encourage the entity responsible for the API to provide you with a parsable response, like JSON. This is really a nasty hack which can easily break in the future.


Have a response

{ Token: ["33908e17-ba40-453e-a630-3de91d6cad72"]}

pm.environment.set("Token", pm.response.text().split(" ")[2])

its is giving me token value as [“33908e17-ba40-453e-a630-3de91d6cad72”]}

Need of only value as 33908e17-ba40-453e-a630-3de91d6cad72. How to get it and print it in console

If that’s a JSON response, you would just need to do this:


The original question was talking about a response that was text across multiple lines so that solution wouldn’t really work for your response. As it’s JSON, you can just retrieve this in the normal way. :smiley:

Hey Danny good to see you back!! sorry should’ve update its Text response
{ Token: ["33908e17-ba40-453e-a630-3de91d6cad72"]}

That’s quite an important piece of information to miss out, given the way the response looks.


Again this is a very hacky way of doing it but it should get down to what you need.


:slight_smile: thanks my bad again missing out. that works and now pushing that to csv too

let Lguid = pm.response.text().split('"')[1];
console.log(`,${Lguid}\n`); ```
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