SyntaxError: Unexpected Token

So I’m trying to test out a web hook to Discord. I’m using a basic JSON with an embed. When I try and post to the web hook address for discord I get the following error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token. I’m using the following JSON. Am I doing something wrong? First time using postman.

  "embed": {
"title": "**__Territory Wars Teams__**",
"description": "Below are the Territory Wars Teams",
"color": 3067190,
"footer": {
  "icon_url": "",
  "text": "This Wonderful Embed was Created by DŁ M1NÐN1NJ4 Ω"

@m1nd.n1nj4 Your request body looks fine, this could be an issue with the pre-request/test script associated with your request.

Hi, btw sending messages with embeds using webhooks has quite different format, they use "embeds": [{}] instead of "embed": {} because multi-embed support. More info can be found here:

	"embeds": [
		    "title": "**__Territory Wars Teams__**",
		    "description": "Below are the Territory Wars Teams",
		    "color": 3067190,
		    "footer": {
		    	"icon_url": "",
		    	"text": "This Wonderful Embed was Created by DŁ M1NÐN1NJ4 Ω"